Resolution or Intention?

“Another New Year’s dawned, new opportunities and difficulties are sneaking around you. To take hold of good and let go bad, face the new challenges and open the new chances to anew your life again.Everyday train your brain to solve all difficulties and transform them into opportunities, get rich mentally, physically and financially.Love your family, friends, colleagues and all folks surrounded by you. Take care of your health, children, wealth and travel new exotic places, people and enjoy good food. Life is very short, fully enjoy it.
Embrace new ideas, knowledge and every opportunity. And always surround yourself with good people and avoid toxic and negative people to secure your peace of mind and dignity.
I wholeheartedly and boldly set my plan as is the best year of my life for financial freedom, good health, richness, love, care and abundance.I do solemnly yearn for the folks around the world a thoroughly Peaceful, Happy and Beautiful New Year free from hunger, poverty, disease, inequality, war and conflict.”

― Lord Robin

How many of us actually make a New Year resolution, or more to the point, how many actually keep them?

For me, I find myself making resolutions throughout the year. It is a long, 12 month string of petitions that are flung out onto the swirling smoke of a smudge stick, uttered, fervent sentences, shot through a window caught in the breeze outside in the street. Do I see anything materialise as a result of them? Not that I could possibly describe but I think the reality of a resolution is that it gives you the opportunity to own something in one’s self. It is a kind of acknowledgement that something has to shift, change or transform. Essentially it is about making it all come good or stronger. A resolution is a form of healing, a deep desire to make the space in one’s life for betterment.

I think that sometimes we get confused between manifestation and resolution.

When we make a resolution it is a decision to do something, it is the quality of being determined or resolute. A manifestation is to make something happen or a sign showing the existence of something. We could say, ’I make a resolution to create a realistic and workable manifestation.’ Perhaps the two are intrinsically intertwined, one exists because of the other but with a New Year resolution it is more about setting the parameters for determined progress.

Whatever the interpretation of the word, what lies at the heart of it is the ability to follow through with the resolution. My resolution for the New Year is to stand by my resolution and to work it through. Also, It might be prudent not to have too many resolutions. Otherwise we could become the proverbial 10 of Wands, our resolutions to make our lives better become a burden, a rod (in this case 10) for the back. The advice from this 10 says you should prioritise and choose one thing that will work and see it through to the end.

I hope to be more conscious of my resolution this year.

It will require thought and planning. It couldn’t be like the Knight of Swords, act first and think later as determination and impetuous action do not blend well. It may ask me to have courage and confidence but that is all part of it. A resolution appears as a challenge and my Aries nature is now interested, how could I possibly resist?

A resolution should not be borne from anxiety.

Whilst the best way to deal with overwhelming anxiousness is to get a hit list of positive steps to action, something like the 9 of Wands, a card of worry and over analysis, might not be the best place to come from. The 9, a deeply spiritual card that takes us to our depths in order to seek out change might not be the appropriate catalyst for dynamic action.

Perhaps the mantle of resolution could look like the Page of Wands.

Resolution, as a word, carries the spirit of things to come, as does this Page. In this light it is about being uplifted and optimistic in that ideas will come to pass but first the ideas need a plan and then they need action, otherwise they remain little more than ideas. Pages are messengers and the message from this Page is that the resolution is going to become the very idea that eventually has the action to shape what is to come. The message is about having enough passion to actually want something to happen but at the same time not to take it all so seriously and that a constant watch and vigil has to be kept over it day and night.

This is the way of magic, set the intention and then let it go but at the same time be aware that it is we that create our opportunities.

Let’s draw a set of cards regarding a resolution for 2020.

  • This represents my resolution, what is it?
  • What is my next step?
  • What will hold me back?
  • Is there something I can do to help things along?
  • How will I benefit from my resolution?
  • What is the long term perspective?

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